The Slingshot: LDS succession; Segregation in Sweden; U.S. papal plot

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Need to know: Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Mormon leader Thomas Monson, 89, hospitalized

The man considered a prophet by the world’s 16 million Mormons fell ill after looking gaunt at the church’s General Conference last weekend.

Swedish prime minister calls gender-segregated school bus ‘despicable’

"This doesn't belong in Sweden," Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said, after a video showed boys entering a bus headed for a private Muslim elementary school in a Stockholm suburb from the front and girls using the back door.

President Trump’s son-in-law secretly met with Muslim leaders weeks before the travel ban

The meeting went smoothly, but any optimism Muslims left with that day vanished as Trump took office and immediately set about turning his anti-Muslim rhetoric into policy.

Pope makes appointment amid criticism of sex abuse response

Pope Francis named a new official to oversee the Vatican office that processes clerical sex abuse cases amid mounting criticism over a yearslong backlog of cases.

New Jersey teen admits he plotted to kill Pope Francis during u.s. visit

Santos Colon, Jr., 17, aimed to carry out the attack in Philadelphia in support of the Islamic State group. But when he contacted someone he believed to be a sniper, it turned out to be an undercover FBI employee.

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Most young adult Mormons are skipping General Conference. Why?

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