The Slingshot: Merry Christmas? Happy Holidays? Seasons Greetings?

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Need to know: Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Marginalizing Russell Moore is grave mistake for Southern Baptists

Moore may be the best thing the SBC has going, and marginalizing him for opposing Donald Trump will only exacerbate their problems.

‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Holidays’? What these preferences reveal

Americans remain split on how to greet others at stores at this time of year. Their answers reveal religious and partisan divides.

How the ‘War on Christmas’ controversy was created

The idea that the Christian holiday was under attack took hold among conservatives, inspiring political speeches, books and boycotts. Is the war over?

Hanukkah sweaters are now a thing — and I love them

“I was thrilled when I saw a friend at a holiday party wearing a cozy sweater with a familiar pattern on it — dreidels with Hebrew letters, perfectly if garishly designed,” writes Lior Zaltzman.

Ivanka and Jared’s big move has D.C.’s Jews buzzing

They can choose from several Modern Orthodox synagogues but Georgetown’s Kesher Israel is seen as the front-runner.

Conservative group ousts rabbi for performing intermarriages

Rabbi Seymour Rosenbloom, ordained for 44 years, has been expelled from the movement’s rabbinical association by a unanimous vote. But he has vowed to do more interfaith services.

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