The Slingshot: Native Americans march in D.C.; Catholic coup; Wiccan game developers

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Need to know: Monday, March 13, 2017

Native Americans march to the White House in spiritual battle against pipeline

Faith leaders and members of various religious denominations featured prominently among protesters.

Is Pope Francis really facing a coup? Or just ‘fake news’?

As the pontiff marks the fourth anniversary of his election, reports of plotting in the Vatican and a ‘civil war’ in the Catholic Church are rampant. But a reality check suggests a different story.

At the nation’s only Latino mosque, Trump’s immigration policies have ‘changed everything’

The congregation on the edge of Houston, which counts among it dozens of Mexican Americans and other converts, serves one of the fastest growing segments of Islam in the U.S.: Latinos.

Could Southern Baptist Russell Moore lose his job? Churches threaten to pull funds after months of Trump controversy

The controversy surrounding Moore appears to extend beyond his opposition to Trump to encompass a larger debate over white evangelical alignment with Trump and the Republican Party.

At Baylor, a scandal’s constant drip means a relentless spotlight

Many worry the sexual assault scandal that led to Kenneth Starr’s resignation has tarnished Baylor’s reputation, hurt morale and threatens to leave a black mark on the institution for years to come.

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Bears Ears National Monument, sacred to native tribes, faces a challenge to its status

Many Utah politicians say Bears Ears’ sacred sites can be protected without its national monument status and they’re pushing President Trump to rescind the designation.

Orthodox Church debate over women deacons moves one step closer to reality

The Patriarch of Alexandria, who presides over the entire Orthodox Church in Africa, reintroduced women deacons last month. Will other Orthodox churches follow his lead?

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Ex-gay pioneer Joseph Nicolosi is dead. That’s good news for LGBT people he hurt (COMMENTARY)

(RNS) Nicolosi has now crossed over into eternity. I imagine he is shocked to find LGBT people there, too.

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