The Slingshot: Pope’s apology; viral faith photo; Beyonce’s (literally) iconic performance

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Need to know: Monday, February 13, 2017

Pope Francis seeks forgiveness from clergy abuse victims

In an unusual move, the pontiff’s comments were published as a preface to a new book by Daniel Pittet, a Swiss victim who was sexually abused for four years by a priest when he was a child.

Vietnamese refugee priest to Trump: Give my citizenship to a Syrian

The Rev. Chuong Hoai Nguyen, who fled to the U.S. from war-torn Vietnam as a youth, wrote the president asking that his citizenship be given to a refugee barred under Trump’s Muslim travel ban.

For religious conservatives, success and access at the Trump White House

The mutually beneficial arrangement Trump has nurtured with the Christian right is already starting to nudge the government in a more conservative direction.

These conservative Christians are opposed to Trump—and suffering the consequences

People working in ministry, music and nonprofit advocacy are facing pressure for their political beliefs.

The looming conflict between Trump’s immigration sweeps and religious freedom

Churches may act to protect immigrants out of a sense of religious obligation. And that is where things might get tricky for the Trump administration.

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Ken Starr on shortlist to head Office of International Religious Freedom

(RNS) Others rounding out the short list for the position include Nina Shea and Johnnie Moore.

Nonprofit offers online English-language translation of the Talmud for free

JERUSALEM (RNS) A nonprofit organization devoted to Jewish learning announced it has uploaded 22 tractates of the English-language edition of the Babylonian Talmud and will post the remainder as they are translated and annotated.

Can a controversial Latin American theology speak to Catholics today?

CHESTNUT HILL, Mass. (RNS) By distancing the movement from radical left agendas of the past, theologians today are carving room for new applications of liberationist thought.

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Disinvited again: You, sir, are simply intolerable

(RNS) The author discovers he is so controversial an entire organization split over him.

Songs of worship: Why we sing to the Lord

(The Conversation) Sacred music has a unique ability to engage both body and mind. It brings people together in expressing gratitude, praise, sorrow and even protest against injustice.

What is the true meaning of mercy?

(The Conversation) In such times, talk about mercy may seem more like wishful thinking. But mercy matters – now more than ever.

Neil Gorsuch could help religious schools get public funding

(RNS) If confirmed, the new justice could help sway a case that could pave the way for public funds to go to private schools.

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