The Slingshot: Swaying pontiff; Paula White’s money; Nation of Islam sale

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Need to know: Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Viral pontiff: Francis dances with Hasidic Jews at the Vatican

It was really more swaying than dancing. Still, it’s not something popes normally do, and the video became yet another internet hit for Francis.

Nation of Islam jewelry, clothing and documents slated for auction

Items from the first four decades of the religious black separatist movement, founded in 1930, will go on the auction block on Thursday.

Governor urged pastors to pressure Texas House over ‘bathroom bills’

The bill, which would require transgender people to use bathrooms in public buildings based on “biological sex,” passed the state Senate almost two months ago and but has been held up in the lower chamber.

Kidnapped Indian priest pleads for help in new video

Fourteen months after his abduction by Muslim extremists in Yemen, the Rev. Tom Uzhunnalil has appeared in another video asking for help in obtaining his release, and criticizing the response of a local bishop and the Indian government.

Divinity, diversity and division

A Duke divinity school professor objected to a diversity training request and set off a debate on inclusiveness and civility.

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The 13 appellate judges, who include 10 nominated by Democratic presidents, seemed likely to rule against Trump.

Detention of American Christian in North Korea ‘concerning’ — White House

North Korea has detained a U.S. citizen — a self-described Christian missionary — raising the number of Americans held there to four.

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(RNS) To turn our backs on these vulnerable Haitians we pledged to welcome would place considerable burdens on the country as it struggles to recover.

Apostle urges Mormons to ‘rescue’ those who leave — but listen first

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