Antonin Scalia

Supreme Court wrestles with how ‘religious’ prayer should be at public meetings

By Lauren Markoe — November 6, 2013
WASHINGTON (RNS) "Give me an example of a prayer that would be acceptable to Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists,” Justice Samuel Alito asked the lawyer representing two women who did not like Christian prayers at town meetings. “Hindus. Give me an example of a prayer. Wiccans, Baha'i.”

ANALYSIS: A cultural wave on gay marriage reaches the Supreme Court

By Kevin Eckstrom — June 26, 2013
WASHINGTON Justice Anthony Kennedy's 26-page opinion Wednesday (June 26) striking down a federal ban on same-sex marriages offers a window into Americans' rapidly shifting views of same-sex relationships -- a shift that increasingly relies on matters of law and fairness, not moral or religious views.

‘The American Bible’ collects the texts that We the People love to fight about

By Daniel Burke — July 3, 2012

(RNS) There are certain speeches, songs, books, letters, laws, and axioms that Americans appreciate enough to argue about, says religion scholar Stephen Prothero. By Daniel Burke.

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