After shooting, Sikhs push for more legal protections

By Jeanie Groh — September 20, 2012

(RNS) U.S. Sikhs are taking heart in a widely publicized hearing on hate crimes that they see as a first step toward better understanding of the community and increased legal protections. By Jeanie Groh.

Oregon mosque under FBI scrutiny says it’s being pushed to adopt Americanized Islam

By Helen Jung — June 14, 2012

PORTLAND, Ore. (RNS) The largest mosque in Oregon stands out for its traditional focus and charismatic imam. The imam has been at the center of a mysterious FBI probe, and he's suing over being placed on a no-fly list. Many at the mosque suspect the government is trying to harass people into a more westernized Islam. By Helen Jung.

FBI says Muslims’ trust is broken by NYPD spying

By Tracy Gordon — March 7, 2012

NEWARK, N.J. (RNS) As friction over the New York police spying on New Jersey's Muslims continues to grow, the state's top FBI officer  said the uproar is damaging his agency's ability to gather important counterterrorism intelligence. By Jason Grant.

FBI, Muslims report progress over training materials

By Tracy Gordon — February 16, 2012

(RNS) The FBI said it was willing to consider a proposal from a coalition of Muslim and interfaith groups to establish a committee of experts tasked with reviewing literature and videos used anti-terrorism training, but it had not yet received a plan to consider.

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