Hillary Clinton

On abortion, Tim Kaine is a bridge to Hillary Clinton’s past

By Trevin Wax — August 8, 2016
(RNS) On abortion, Hillary Clinton and her running mate Tim Kaine, have flown to different wings within the “pro-choice” camp.

Why Clinton is beating Trump in Georgia

By Mark Silk — August 5, 2016
It has to do with white evangelicals.

Why ‘Who should be the next president’ is the wrong question

By Charles C. Camosy — August 3, 2016
(RNS) It is time for us to be honest with ourselves: In continuing to obsess over which of these terrible candidates will be the next president, we are asking the wrong question.

Cincinnati pastor wins trip to meet Hillary Clinton — and gives her a book by Kierkegaard

By Jana Riess — August 1, 2016
My friend Rich Jones (out of 230,000 people!) won a trip to the DNC last week to meet Hillary Clinton -- and got a chance to talk with her and v-p candidate Tim Kaine about matters of faith.

Trump, Khan and the muddle of US foreign policy

By David P. Gushee — August 1, 2016
(RNS) Does Clinton, Trump or anybody else really know the best way forward for U.S. foreign policy?

Two conventions, two nominees and a whole new culture war

By David Gibson — July 29, 2016
PHILADELPHIA (RNS) It’s officially Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump for president. But just as notable is the fact that Democrats have now taken over the language of faith and morals from the GOP.

Clinton probably won’t court evangelicals. Here’s why she should

By Jacob Lupfer — July 29, 2016
(RNS) Politically, she has little to gain and a great deal to lose. But from the standpoint of democratic discourse, the time may be ripe to challenge evangelicals’ loyalty to Republican politicians.

Can Clinton-Kaine bring Catholic voters back to the Democrats?

By David Gibson — July 28, 2016
PHILADELPHIA (RNS) Catholics are a swing vote and a big enough chunk of the electorate that they can pick the winner. “There is no Catholic vote -- and it’s important,” said the Catholic pundit E.J. Dionne.

Bill Clinton’s dangerous assumption

By guest — July 28, 2016
(RNS) In Clinton’s call to action, he tried to distinguish between 'good' Muslims and 'bad' Muslims, and by so doing, pushed the already ostracized group into a well-defined subgroup, separating 'us' and 'them.'

The divided soul of the Democratic Party

By David Gibson — July 28, 2016
PHILADELPHIA (RNS) Faith is more evident – and accepted – at the party’s grass roots than in the treetops where power brokers call the shots. Did Wednesday night’s God-inflected speeches signal a change?

Who boos an opening prayer? The Berniacs of 2016, that’s who

By David Gibson — July 26, 2016
PHILADELPHIA (RNS) They were targeting Hillary Clinton more than the Almighty, but the optics weren't great. Still, the first night of the Democratic convention ended with a jeer-free benediction. Can it last?

Great quote, Tim Kaine, but John Wesley never said that

By David Gibson — July 25, 2016
PHILADELPHIA (RNS) The Democratic vice presidential candidate cited a famous saying by the Methodist luminary to show his Catholic affinity with Hillary Clinton. Too bad the quote's a myth.

Tim Kaine’s Jesuit spirituality just might appeal to ‘nones’

By Elizabeth Drescher — July 25, 2016
(RNS) In choosing Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton has shifted the religious narrative of the election away from the false equation of “religion” and “Christianity” with radical, conservative, evangelicalism.

Can Hillary Clinton finally close the ‘God gap’?

By David Gibson — July 24, 2016
(RNS) The GOP has been called 'God's Own Party' because it draws far more churchgoing voters than the Democrats. Clinton has a chance to change that -- if she wants to.

5 faith facts about Tim Kaine: ‘I do what I do for spiritual reasons’

By Kimberly Winston — July 22, 2016
(RNS) He was raised a Roman Catholic, worked alongside Jesuits in Honduras and loves Pope Francis. But Tim Kaine separates the personal from the political when it comes to religious doctrine.
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