homosexuality and religion

Why I’m not just a “Christian”

By Eliel Cruz — November 19, 2014
To call myself a Bisexual Christian amplifies both facets of my identity.

Pastor Danny Cortez on the aftermath of becoming LGBT affirming and being dismissed by the SBC

By Eliel Cruz — November 13, 2014
In his first interview since being dismissed by the Southern Baptist Church, Danny Cortez explains why his Church made the decision to adopt Third way approach to LGBT people and why his theology became affirming.

How a conservative christian can have a loving approach to homosexuality

By Eliel Cruz — November 11, 2014
Is it possible for conservative Christians to stick to their traditional understandings of scripture while still be loving towards LGBT people? This sermon proves the answer is yes.

The United Methodist Church panel on LGBTQ members sends mixed messages

By Eliel Cruz — November 7, 2014
The United Methodist Church held a panel calling for dialogue with the LGBT community while excluding LGBT voices.

Notre Dame hosts “Gay In Christ” conference promoting gay celibacy

By Eliel Cruz — November 5, 2014
A few weeks after the Synod, Notre Dame host "Gay In Christ" to share a pastoral approach to the LGBT community.
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