
Lutherans warn Vatican against simpler conversions

By Alessandro Speciale — January 23, 2013
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Lutheran leaders have warned the Vatican that the creation of a structure to welcome conservative Lutherans into the Catholic Church would harm dialogue and damage ecumenical relations.

Survey finds record 19 percent of religiously unaffiliated Americans

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — July 20, 2012

(RNS) Unbelief is on the uptick. People who check "None" for their religious affiliation are now nearly one in five Americans (19 percent), the highest ever documented, according to the Pew Center for the People and the Press. By Cathy Lynn Grossman.

Church seeks line between interfaith and intolerance

By Tracy Gordon — February 10, 2012

DES PERES, Mo. (RNS) In a time when disdain for other faiths is commonplace, even blessed in some religious circles, how does a Bible study instructor contrast the teachings and doctrines of another tradition and his own without seeming intolerant? Tim Townsend reports.

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