Muhammad Ali

Why was Muhammad Ali the greatest? He had a clear moral vision

By Hussein Rashid — June 4, 2016
(RNS) His religious identity was new to the American public, but he did with it what many believers have done -- offered a voice of moral clarity and urgency to the issues of the day.

Muhammad Ali: Boxing legend, Muslim pathbreaker, dead at 74

By David Gibson — June 4, 2016
(RNS) Cassius Clay's conversion in 1964 was a public sensation and also the start of a personal pilgrimage through Islam -- one that presaged the religious changes and tensions that continue today.

The ‘Splainer: Kim Davis, Pope Francis and the fight over conscientious objection

By Lauren Markoe — October 2, 2015
(RNS) Kim Davis objected. But does the pope agree with her conscience?
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