
COMMENTARY: Olympics’ religious roots

By Henry G. Brinton / USA Today — July 31, 2012

(RNS) I don't believe the Olympics should be a religion, but I also don't think athletic competition should be completely secular. Sports and religion belong together because health involves both body and soul. By Henry G. Brinton.

Religion at the Olympics, from ancient Greece to London

By Chris Lisee — July 24, 2012

(RNS) The Olympics began in ancient Greece as a festival to honor a single god, Zeus. But organizers of the games must now navigate myriad sacred fasts and holy days. By Chris Lisee.

Olympics ceremony won’t include moment for murdered Israelis

By Michele Chabin — July 24, 2012

JERUSALEM (RNS) Despite international pressure -- including support from both U.S. presidential candidates -- the International Olympic Committee has refused to include a moment of silence at Friday's opening ceremony to honor Israeli athletes killed by terrorists at the games 40 years ago. By Michele Chabin.

Ramadan fast poses challenge for Muslim Olympians

By Omar Sacirbey — July 18, 2012

(RNS) The Islamic month of Ramadan, when Muslims are required to fast during daylight hours, coincides this year with the Summer Olympics in London, where more than 3,000 Muslims athletes are expected to compete. By Omar Sacirbey.

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