The Slingshot: Pence prayers; Pakistani Christians; Vatican venture

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Need to know: Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Pence defends Trump as champion of Catholic values

A onetime altar boy who became an evangelical Protestant, the vice president told the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast that the president is a leader for the issues they care about most.

To escape abusive marriages, many Christians in Pakistan convert to Islam

Muslims can obtain a divorce for a variety of reasons, including irreconcilable differences. For Christians, it’s not so easy.

London attacker’s mother blames internet for son’s radicalization

The mother of the Italian-Moroccan jihadi who helped carry out a deadly attack in London says she tried to keep her son from falling under the sway of Islamic State ideology, but the internet and his London friends changed him.

Christian preachers’ disappearance in Malaysia stokes fears of crackdown on religious minorities

Months after four men disappeared, family members have learned nothing about their whereabouts and human rights activists say police have taken an uncharacteristically “casual” approach to the cases.

Following discrimination claims, Egypt’s Al-Azhar enrolls Christian medical resident

Abanoub Guirguis Naeem is the first Christian student publicly accepted to the Islamic university. It’s not clear if he had to fulfill a key condition of enrollment: memorization of the Quran.

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Kenyan court orders Catholic bishops to pay Muslim restaurant owner $125,000

NAIROBI (RNS) The court found the church in breach of contract and said it had discriminated against the restaurant owner along ethnic and religious lines.

Lasers reveal long-hidden Roman frescoes with biblical themes

The catacombs are a reminder of the importance of Domitilla as a Christian burial site.

Religiously affiliated hospitals win Supreme Court pension case

The hospitals — two Catholic and one Lutheran — successfully argued that pension laws were not intended to apply to them.

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Reinhold Niebuhr: the theologian politicians read

One could argue that having an influence on public leaders more than on his theological colleagues was an intentional strategy on Niebuhr’s part.

My Six-Day War

The story of a teenager in the House of Representatives.

Her family was denied entry to the US. She entered years later, alone

(RNS) The St. Louis' 937 passengers, most of whom were Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust, found neither protection nor pity. On the 78th anniversary of this tragedy, we must resolve not to let this happen again.

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