The Slingshot: Bannon’s Vatican; DeVos’ faith; Mosque burner

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Need to know: Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Steve Bannon carries battles to the Vatican

Trump’s chief aide has connected with elements in the Roman Catholic Church who oppose the direction Pope Francis is taking them.

5 faith facts about Betsy DeVos

DeVos is an elder at the nondenominational, evangelical Mars Hill Bible Church, founded by popular author Rob Bell. 

Man gets 30 years for setting fire to mosque visited by Orlando shooter

Joseph Schreiber confessed that he set fire to the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce last Sept. 11, a fire that resulted in extensive damage to the mosque. 

Pope and Trump may meet in May

Vatican insiders say Francis and the president will meet when the latter visits Italy for the G7 summit.

The ’Splainer: What is the Free Speech Fairness Act?

The bill is being touted as a “fix” to the Johnson Amendment, a 1954 law that prohibits nonprofits from engaging in politics.

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Trump’s Prayer Breakfast two-step

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