The Slingshot: Evangelical women bloggers; Vocal black clergy; Barron Trump’s school

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Need to know: Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Women bloggers spawn an evangelical ‘crisis of authority’

For many Christian women whose voices traditionally have not been heard by or represented in institutional churches, the internet has created new platforms to teach, preach and connect.

Black clergy decry Trump policies as detrimental to African-Americans

Leaders of congregations and denominations called on fellow African-Americans Monday to speak out against proposed plans they believe help the rich and hurt the sick and poor.

Barron Trump to attend Maryland’s St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in the fall

Though Donald Trump was raised Presbyterian, his son was baptized in 2006 at the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach, the same church where his parents married in 2005.

Nation of Islam ring, hat fetch high prices but documents pulled from auction

A ring worn by Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad sold for $5,250 and his kofia for $32,500. But documents from the group were pulled from the auction after their ownership was challenged.

Trump is evangelicals’ ‘dream president.’ Here’s why.

This sense of grievance and cultural dispossession — the common ground between The Donald and the faithful — runs deep in evangelical Christian history, writes Michael Gerson.

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