The Slingshot: Meddlesome priest; Biblical literalists; Gay marriage in Scotland

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Need to know: Friday, June 9, 2017

Comey, Trump and this ‘meddlesome priest’

James Comey likened President Trump’s suggestion to drop the Michael Flynn investigation to an English monarch’s indirect order to kill the archbishop of Canterbury.

Trump: ‘It’s time to put a stop to attacks on religion’

Shortly after James Comey questioned the president’s integrity on Capitol Hill, Trump promised his evangelical base he’ll fight for religious liberty.

Politics, culture or theology? Why evangelicals back Trump on global warming

They may be taking the Bible literally, which could explain their climate change skepticism. But some experts say it’s more complicated than that.

Scottish Episcopal Church votes to back same-sex marriage

It becomes the first Anglican Church in the U.K. to allow clergy who wish to officiate at gay marriages the option of doing so.

In the shadow of St. Peter’s, a Mormon temple rises

Mormons are about to open Italy’s first temple to serve the needs of a young and growing faith group.

Latest news from RNS

Interfaith coalition launches ‘Know Your Neighbor’ campaign

(RNS) The Islamic Networks Group and its 70 interfaith partners announced their summer campaign encouraging interfaith discussion and understanding.

The ’Splainer: What is the Ayatollah Khomeini mausoleum and why was it attacked?

The mausoleum is one of the most important symbols of Iranian pride. It’s famously referred to within Iran as “the holy shrine.”

Delaware governor to sign first abortion rights bill under Trump

(Reuters) As early as the end of this week, Gov. John Carney Jr. could sign the bill that supporters said codifies at the state level provisions of the 1973 landmark Supreme Court decision that protects a woman's right to abortion.

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What is the Shia-Sunni divide?

(The Conversation) This historical schism continues to permeate the daily lives of Muslims around the world.

Mormon leader says doubt is dangerous, of Satan

Elder Montoya's warnings to avoid doubt at all costs ignore one of the most important truths of the process of faith formation: doubt is a catalyst to spiritual growth.

The necessity of LGBT bridge-building

Sightings has rarely done justice to the LGBT revolution, though it would have been easy to locate and comment on kindred topics almost any Monday during the two decades of our “sighting” efforts. The observer and reporter in me observes and reports that changes in public opinion on these issues have been astonishingly sudden. Why?

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