The Slingshot: Pro-life Democrats; Muslim lobbyists; Narco saint

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Need to know: Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Pelosi: Democratic candidates should not be forced to toe party line on abortion

The House minority leader said the Democrats need a broad and inclusive agenda to win back the socially conservative voters who helped elect President Trump.

Muslims on Capitol Hill learn how to lobby

While other ethnic and religious minority groups have been pressing their agendas with Congress for generations, Muslim-Americans are just starting to flex their growing political muscles.

Worshipping the patron saint of drug traffickers in Mexico

The Catholic Church, it should be noted, does not recognize Jesus Malverde in its pantheon of saints.

A dubious proposal to reform the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

Outgoing commission Vice Chair James Zogby’s proposal for reforming the Commission raises a red flag, writes Mark Silk.

Sikh Americans hope to reduce hate crimes with ad campaign

People should understand that the turbans stand for the same values that this country stands for — equality and opportunity for all, said the campaign’s co-founder.

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