The Slingshot: Racial justice march; evangelical advisers; solar faith

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People take part in a protest against police brutality and in support of Black Lives Matter during a march in New York City on July 9, 2016. Photo courtesy of Reuters/Eduardo Munoz

Need to know: Friday, August 18, 2017

March for Racial Justice organizers sorry for scheduling it on Yom Kippur

Organizers of the Sept. 30 march on the National Mall — a response to the verdict acquitting a Minnesota police officer in the death of motorist Philando Castile — apologize for what they say is an oversight.

Trump recycles discredited Islamic pigs’ blood tale after terrorist attack in Barcelona

Trump instructed his 36 million Twitter followers to look to the example of Gen. John J. Pershing, who is said, in stories circulating online, to have dipped the bullets he used to execute Islamic terrorists in the Philippines in pig’s blood because Islam forbids contact with the animals. The story is false.

Ivanka Trump’s rabbi ‘deeply troubled’ by president’s response to Charlottesville

“We are appalled by this resurgence of bigotry and anti-Semitism, and the renewed vigor of the neo-Nazis, KKK and alt-right,” read the letter, signed by Rabbi Haskel Lookstein and two other rabbis.

False prophets in the White House

What the evangelical advisers seem to be telling the administration and maybe even the president is, ‘keep up the good work,’ writes RNS columnist Mark Silk.

Is the solar eclipse a message from God?

Several institutions in Oregon, Wyoming, Missouri, and other states along the path of totality—the narrow stretch of land where the full effect of the eclipse will be visible—are treating the eclipse as an opportunity to spread the gospel.

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Rev. Al Sharpton’s thousand-minister march gains steam after Charlottesville

(RNS) — Footage from Charlottesville, Va., has prompted some clergy to sign up for an Aug. 28 march. 'This is much worse than we thought in terms of a spirit of hate and immorality,' Sharpton said.

Anti-Muslim Australian senator wears burqa in Parliament

(AP) — 'To ridicule that community, to drive it into a corner, to mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do and I would ask you to reflect on what you have done,' said Attorney General George Brandis to the senator who donned the burqa.

After the Hobby Lobby scandal, a spotlight on antiquities sales in Israel

The arrest of five Jerusalem-based Palestinian antiquities dealers who allegedly helped Hobby Lobby purchase illegally obtained ancient artifacts is shining a spotlight on the sale of antiquities in Israel and revived questions about the ethics of the trade in general.

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We’ve condemned white nationalism. Now the harder work begins.

(RNS) — 'Decrying white nationalists is an ethical lay-up for which no white person should feel the slightest hint of self-congratulatory pride,' writes the Rev. Noel Schoonmaker.

LDS Church rebukes Mormon white supremacists, who rebuke the Church right back

The LDS Church just reissued its statement on race and Charlottesville, and the 2nd release is a virtual smackdown of the alt-right -- including its Mormon adherents.

Q&A: The abortion foe in Congress who made the Affordable Care Act possible

(RNS) — 'The Democratic Party is no longer the 'The Big Tent Party.' I fear the Democratic Party has become the 'pro-abortion rights' party,' former U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., tells RNS contributor Charlie Camosy.

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