The Slingshot: Shooting anniversary; Muslim ban; Mississippi first

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Need to know: Friday, February 10, 2017

Two years after slayings, these Muslims show hate cannot overpower love

Across the Research Triangle region, the shootings, which killed three Muslim students two years ago today, have spurred a wave of good deeds by Muslim youth.

7 key take-aways from the court’s ruling on Trump’s immigration order

The federal court refused to reinstate Trump’s travel ban. But it isn’t sure — at this stage — whether there is proof that the executive order discriminates against Muslims.

Mississippi still rules the religiosity rankings

Nearly 60 percent of Mississippians counts themselves as “very religious,” according to Gallup. Dead last: Vermont.

Ex-Palin aide lands job at Trump’s State Department

Pam Pryor, credited with smoothing over Donald Trump’s relations with evangelical Christians and shaping the image of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, has snagged a job at the State Department.

Religious leaders turn to debate over Texas ‘bathroom bill’

"Fundamentally, first and foremost, this is a moral question," said Rev. Dave Welch, a spokesman for the Texas Pastor Council, regarding a bill that would require transgender people to use bathrooms based on “biological sex."

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500 prominent evangelicals take out full-page ad supporting refugees

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Pope Francis admits there’s corruption at the Vatican

VATICAN CITY (RNS) 'I’m at peace,' the pope said. 'If there is a problem, I write a note to St. Joseph and put it under a statue that I have in my room.'

Experts mull religious freedom, tolerance in US, abroad

WASHINGTON (RNS) Religious freedom experts emphasized the need for education, tolerance and on-the-ground visits to persecuted religious people across the globe.

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What’s ressentiment got to do with it

People will even vote against their own interests, or redefine their most cherished religious beliefs, because they are victims of ressentiment.

#ShePersisted – and so did these biblical women

Elizabeth Warren is our heroine. Miriam and Deborah would be proud of her.

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