The Slingshot: Techies pledge; Roof’s list; Papal travels

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Need to know: Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tech employees vow not to help Trump surveil Muslims

Drawing comparisons to the Holocaust and the internment of Japanese Americans, the employees signed an open letter rebuking ideas floated by Trump.

Dylann Roof made lists of South Carolina churches before attack

The lists included other African Methodist Episcopal churches, a predominantly black Baptist church and a black Roman Catholic church in Charleston.

Pope to pick up more stamps for the passport in 2017

Pope Francis has confirmed that he plans to travel to Fatima, India and Bangladesh in 2017. He also wants to visit Africa — including South Sudan.

Jews at top of class in first-ever global study of religion and education

The study shows vast gaps among religious groups in educational attainment. But education levels globally are rising, and no faith group is left behind.

Ohio governor vetoes ‘heartbeat bill,’ signs less restrictive abortion ban

Gov. John Kasich has rejected the so-called “heartbeat bill,” breaking with his party to veto legislation that would have given Ohio the strictest abortion ban in the nation.

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