Flunking Sainthood

How do Mormons teach the Old Testament?

By Jana Riess — December 26, 2013
As Mormons start 2014 and turn to a new Gospel Doctrine topic, let's explore ways we can teach the Old Testament more honestly and effectively.

Controversy follows Utah judge’s decision to allow same-sex marriage

By Jana Riess — December 24, 2013
Friday's surprising decision that Utah's ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional has resulted in an unsurprising flurry of political debate in Mormondom, from Meridian Magazine's complaint about activist judges to a clever spoof of Gov. Herbert as the Grinch Who Stole Gay Marriage.

Same sex marriage begins in Utah — in UTAH!

By Jana Riess — December 20, 2013
Let me join my voice to the chorus of joy to say I am feeling heartened and hopeful by this surprising news from Utah. I have many friends whose lives will be easier and better because they will be able to receive equal treatment under the law.

Mormon racism and Black self-hatred in Zion, by Darron Smith

By Jana Riess — December 19, 2013
Guest blogger Darron Smith applauds the LDS Church's recent statement on Mormonism, race, and the priesthood -- but wonders how long it will take to undo the past.

Women, the magic elves of Christmas . . . but no pressure

By Jana Riess — December 18, 2013
There seems to be an unspoken and unwritten rule in even the most feminist-forward households that Women Are in Charge of Christmas. Women are the wonder-makers, the elves. We may delegate some responsibilities, but the red-nosed buck stops with us.

Do Mormons get fair treatment in the media? A Q&A with J.B. Haws

By Jana Riess — December 17, 2013
How is Mormonism portrayed in the media, and how has that changed over the last few decades? Do Mormons get fair treatment in the press? Today, BYU historian J.B. Haws talks about his new book, "The Mormon Image in the American Mind."

Anti-polygamy law unconstitutional in Utah

By Jana Riess — December 14, 2013
Yesterday, a judge ruled that polygamy is no longer a crime in the state of Utah. The lawsuit brought by the Brown family of "Sister Wives" fame successfully argued that consenting adults should enjoy freedom of cohabitation.

What Michelle Obama Was REALLY Thinking

By Jana Riess — December 12, 2013
All this speculation about Michelle Obama's angry expression is ridiculous, because I happen to know – based on my own close and intimate non-friendship with Mrs. Obama, whom I have never met -- exactly what she was thinking.

The Advent Spirit

By Jana Riess — December 11, 2013
When someone dies during the Christmas holidays it can feel like a cruel joke. Unlike a blithe Christmas spirit, an Advent spirit does not avoid death and sadness. It embraces death head on.

Mormons Officially Disavow Racist Folklore

By Jana Riess — December 9, 2013
The LDS Church has anathematized racist justifications that once propped up a ban barring African Americans from priesthood ordination and temple endowments. However, the Church stopped short of a formal apology.

The Twible is 99 cents on the Kindle today and tomorrow!

By Jana Riess — December 5, 2013
The Twible is $.99 on Kindle today and tomorrow! That’s 95% off the Kindle list price.

10 Christians to Follow on Twitter

By Jana Riess — December 4, 2013
A big part of why I love Twitter is the real-time exposure it gives me to interesting people, including writers whose work I have enjoyed. Here are ten Christian writers who have offered me something marvelous or cool or significant or funny in Birdland.

Grief as Liturgy

By Jana Riess — December 3, 2013
There is a liturgy to grief, an entire calendar of solemn commemorations juxtaposed with joyful memories.

The Homeless Mormon Bishop

By Jana Riess — December 2, 2013
Why is the story of one Mormon bishop disguising himself as a homeless man for an hour or two captivating the public imagination?

Where does Thanksgiving come from?

By Jana Riess — November 27, 2013
We know the primary school version . . . but where did Thanksgiving really come from? And why did it take more than 200 years for it to become a national holiday?
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