
Israeli-Palestinian youth choir makes peace through song

By Michele Chabin — February 14, 2014
(RNS) The goal of the YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus is to create a cohort of thoughtful, tolerant young leaders willing to explore one another’s identities, histories and life experiences through song.

A Brooklyn museum has every biblical animal — but no money to stay open

By David Gibson — January 2, 2014
BROOKLYN, N.Y. (RNS) All of the specimens at Torah Animal World died of natural causes, swears Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch, and were not hunted in the wild: “Instead of turning them into a fur coat I use them for education.”

2013 in Review: Pope Francis dominates the headlines

By Kevin Eckstrom — December 18, 2013
(RNS) Yes, Pope Francis dominated the headlines for 2013. But he wasn't the only big religion story to receive front-page treatment.

Photo Slideshow: Thousands of Chabad rabbis gather in NYC

By Lauren Markoe — November 5, 2013
More than 5,000 people from the devout Chabad-Lubavitch movement -- the vast majority of them rabbis -- gathered in New York City for their annual conference, which ended on Nov. 3.

Video: Turkey vs. Dreidel Thanksgivukkah rap battle

By Lauren Markoe — October 30, 2013
A Thanksgiving turkey and Hanukkah dreidel battle in this new rap video, created by kosher food company Manischewitz.

U.S. Jews diverge on Israel: Strong ties despite disagreements

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — October 9, 2013
WASHINGTON (RNS) From the Orthodox to the unreligious, U.S. Jews feel deeply connected to Israel even if they "struggle with Israel's realities." That's a Jewish struggle, said one rabbi: It is "an act of love; it is not an act of disengagement.”

Meet the ‘Nominals’ who are drifting from Judaism and Christianity

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — October 1, 2013
(RNS) Vague Jews and "mushy Christians" have a lot in common. Survey after survey finds many people who don't know or care about doctrine or practice still proudly claim a religious brand identity.

Hartford Faith & Values Video: Keeping Yiddish alive

By Ann Marie Somma — July 24, 2013
Members of a Bloomfield, Conn., synagogue work to keep the Yiddish language alive.

‘Princesses’ embraces a stereotype and leaves some Jews uncomfortable

By Corrie Mitchell — June 19, 2013
(RNS) They're a gaggle of self-admitted "Jewish American Princesses" with their own Bravo reality show. Some Jews, though, just wish they'd go away and take the offensive stereotype with them.

Study says gays find most U.S. faiths unfriendly

By Adelle M. Banks — June 14, 2013
(RNS) Almost 50 percent of gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender adults say they have no religious affiliation, compared to 20 percent of the general population.

Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Video: Leaving Ultra-Orthodox Judaism

By Sally Morrow — May 17, 2013
Ultra Orthodox Hasidic Jews observe the strict rules of the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, and its 613 commandments. But, for some, the lack of choices is too rigid, so they choose to leave, even though doing so can be very painful.

Pope Francis says the ‘nones’ can be allies for the church

By Alessandro Speciale — March 20, 2013
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Pope Francis extended a hand to those who don't belong to any religion, urging them on Wednesday to work with believers to build peace and protect the environment.

Jews worldwide see an ally in Pope Francis

By Lauren Markoe — March 13, 2013
(RNS) Jews worldwide welcomed newly elected Pope Francis as a friend on Wednesday (March 13), and pointed in particular to his sympathetic and strong reaction to the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in his native Argentina -- the deadliest bombing in the country's history.

COMMENTARY: Father Abraham and the Jews

By A. James Rudin — February 21, 2013
(RNS) Steven Spielberg’s "Lincoln'' will probably pick up a few Oscars on Sunday, and it shows that Americans will never tire of our 16th president. While the film centers on the fight to abolish slavery in 1865, two years earlier Lincoln used his powers to correct another injustice aimed at American Jews.

An open letter to Tim Tebow about God’s love, and associating with hateful Christians

By Omid Safi — February 16, 2013
Dear Tim, I have always gotten the sense that you care about your legacy beyond football, that football has been a podium from which you can reach people through God’s love. I pray that you choose to act more like Christ, and less like some of Christ’s hateful followers.
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