‘The Chosen’: Coming soon to a US prison near you

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‘The Chosen’: Coming soon to a US prison near you

(RNS) — The wildly popular show is the first multiseason drama to hit Floodlight, a free streaming platform launched by Prison Fellowship in March 2020.

Taylor professor Julie Moore cited Jemar Tisby on her syllabus. Then she lost her job.

(RNS) — A well-respected professor and published poet, Moore said her provost named Tisby in explaining why her contract was not renewed.

Joshua Butler, author of controversial book on sex, resigns as pastor of Arizona church

(RNS) — The book had been criticized for its comparisons of spiritual experiences to sex and male pleasure.

Whimsical cathedrals and spiritual portals: The architecture of Paul Goesch

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. (RNS) — Goesch, a German expressionist architect and spiritualist, is having his first dedicated exhibition outside of Europe.

Faith leaders ask Biden to mark Mother’s Day with prayer day against gun violence

(RNS) — Fellowship of Reconciliation leaders, who organized the letter, also pointed out ties that have been found between Christian nationalism and opposition to gun control legislation.

RNS Opinion

Why the Supreme Court should have stepped up on Indiana’s fetal burial law

(RNS) — Religious liberty protects the right to refuse participation in a ritual as much as the right to engage in one.

Celebrating our shared humanity by building peace 

(RNS) — War is never inevitable.

Repression of women points to worsening religious freedom trends abroad

(RNS) — Denying religious freedom and women’s rights go hand-in-hand.


SBC Executive Committee rejects nominee Jared Wellman and restarts search for CEO

(RNS) — Critics of the Texas pastor questioned his role in the search process as former Executive Committee chair and wondered why interim President Willie McLaurin, who is Black, had been passed over.

Yeshiva University spans Muslim/Jewish divide in new UAE-based conference

(RNS) — The flagship Modern Orthodox university is joining the Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities in Dubai for the first conference of its kind.

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