The Slingshot: A church named Lee; Rabbis dump Trump; Sikhs advertise for understanding

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“We Are Sikhs” members participate in Independence Day celebrations in Fresno, Calif., on July 4, 2017. Photo by Christina Hulick

Need to know: Thursday, August 24, 2017

This is the church where Robert E. Lee declared himself a sinner. Should it keep his name?

As Confederate monuments and statues around the country have been coming down, leaders of R.E. Lee Memorial Church in Lexington, Va., were divided, with several vestry members opposed to a change.

Rabbis to forgo annual High Holy Days call with president over Charlottesville remarks

Citing President Donald Trump’s comments on the violence earlier this month in Charlottesville, Va., a consortium of American Jewish leaders cancelled an annual High Holy Days phone call to the Oval Office.

Enlisting SpongeBob and ‘Game of Thrones’ to counter anti-Sikh prejudice

Sikhs are counting on their love of “Game of Thrones” and other elements of American popular culture to help combat misperceptions of their faith that they believe have made them targets for hatred and violence.

‘Blood and Faith’: A new book links white nationalists to Christianity

In his new book, “Blood & Faith: Christianity in American White Nationalism,” Damon T. Berry traces how white nationalists have cherry-picked Scripture to craft their exclusive ideology.

Did the solar eclipse create an image of the cross in the heavens? Nope.

After this week’s total solar eclipse, an image showing the sun’s rays forming a cross in the darkened sky made the rounds on social media.

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Trump spiritual adviser Paula White says he is ‘raised up by God’

The televangelist’s comments, made on PTL Television Network’s “The Jim Bakker Show,” came a day after the president, acting on advice from his war cabinet, said the U.S. will not only remain in Afghanistan but will up its military presence there.

Brooklyn megachurch pastor explains why he left the president’s evangelical advisory board

Remaining board members don’t have to follow in his footsteps, said the Rev. A.R. Bernard, but he hopes they will speak their minds when they feel President Trump has erred.

With bathroom bill dead, Texas pastors’ council looks to future fights

Founded in 2003 as a group of Houston-area pastors, the Texas Pastor Council has grown into a burgeoning statewide apparatus with eyes on someday becoming a nationwide force.

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Why are Jewish celebrities silent about Charlottesville?

(RNS) — The Piano Man's yellow star was a good start. We need famous Jews to be activists against hate.

On Confederate statues and other graven images

(RNS) — 'Idolatry is counter to any religious idea worth its weight in salt. We Jews have a name for the tearing down of images that amplify and idolize racist hatred, anti-Semitism or bigotry of any kind. ... We call it: Judaism,' writes Rabbi Aaron Alexander.

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