The Slingshot: Donald and Francis; Young terror victims; Volkswagen’s sin

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Need to know: Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Pope Francis gives President Trump some homework at their first meeting

“I will be reading them,” the president told the pontiff after Francis gave him his encyclical on climate change and other papal writings at their summit meeting.

Insidious twist on terror attack victims: teens and young girls with mothers in tow

Some of the girls killed at the Manchester concert had barely reached puberty. Many had come with parents in tow. At least one was only 8 years old.

Mormon President Thomas S. Monson scales back duties

Monson, 89, no longer comes to the office and communicates with fellow leaders on matters as needed, a further sign of his declining health.

Governor of Jakarta withdraws appeal of blasphemy sentence

The Christian governor, imprisoned for blasphemy against Islam, will not appeal his two year sentence — a decision which could prolong religious and ethnic tensions in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation.

CBN television chief on Christians, Israel and Trump

On the eve of the May 23 limited release of “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem,” Christian Broadcasting Network executive Gordon Robertson discusses the “personal story” behind the station’s focus on Israel.

Latest news from RNS

A group fires up the glitter blessings for a sparkly Pentecost

(RNS) Fire-colored glitter in special anointings and 'glitter blessings' are intended as a way to show support for LGBT Christians.

Six questions on Ramadan answered

(The Conversation) Such as ... why is Ramadan called Ramadan?

Can a cyberattack trigger a ‘just war’?

Ethicists are only just beginning to grapple with the growing problem of cyberattacks, which challenges traditional thinking about morality and war, said the Rev. Bryan Hehir on a panel on the topic.

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Manchester: What kind of person does this?

Of all the paths one could pursue in life, all the choices one could make, this was his: his path, his final choice, would be to kill as many children as possible, writes David Gushee.

Who let Jared and Ivanka fly on Shabbat?

(RNS) Letting Ivanka and Jared fly on Shabbat was bad Judaism. And bad for the Jews.

Updating the American spirit

McCullough is a master at dealing with public life, but religion, if we mean to refer to formally defined versions, happens to be only slightly treated. Yet one cannot listen long to McCullough speak, as some of us did at the Chicago Public Library last week, or read this book, without seeing how complementary and reinforcing all of this is.

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