The Slingshot: Dutch Muslims; Mosque strike; Ireland’s icon

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Need to know: Friday, March 17, 2017

Dutch Muslims are relieved, but divisions highlighted by election remain

Dutch Muslims are breathing a sigh of relief after the worse-than-expected performance of an anti-Islam populist in this week’s election. But religious leaders worry that the divisions he exploited remain.

Islamophobia is most worrying in Europe – not Trump’s America

U.S. courts and civil society have robustly defended Muslims from blatant discrimination. The same cannot be said of their European counterparts, writes Muneer I Ahmad.

Sanctuary for the undocumented comes with legal consequences

And that has some religious leaders preaching caution rather than participation to their members.

US denies carrying out Syria mosque air strike near Aleppo that killed at least 42 people

More than 300 people were gathered for evening prayers on Thursday when the attack occurred, the U.K. based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

St. Patrick’s Day facts reveal truth about this Irish holiday

He may responsible for converting the Irish to Christianity, but he was not Irish born.

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Trump vows to appeal travel ban ruling to Supreme Court

The new ban was seen as targeting Muslims and was set to go into effect at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday.

Mormon church challenges legality of leaked documents

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints finally takes notice of MormonLeaks.

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Turn your morning routine into a worship service

How everything from making your bed to brushing your teeth can help you uncover the holy in your midst.

Trump’s second travel ban also runs afoul of Establishment Clause

There was no escaping those prior, contextual statements by the President and his advisors.

Transitioning out of mediocrity

Cisgender dysphoria, transgender identity, etc., were not part of my formal curriculum in theology or religious studies, which ended at 3:00 p.m. on graduation day, December 14th, 1956.

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