The Slingshot: Fast food faith; Answering Kim Burrell; Trump and persecution

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Need to know: Thursday, January 12, 2017

McDonald’s next to Vatican to offer free meals to the homeless

The move could help to defuse the controversy over a fast food joint opening in the shadow of St. Peter's Basilica.

Andrew Garfield on the journey that led him through ‘Silence’

The actor played a Jesuit in Martin Scorsese’s new film but he didn't expect to fall in love with Jesus.

Trump under fire for invoking Nazis in criticism of US intelligence

Jewish groups are demanding an apology for the president-elect’s remarks in response to the disclosure of unsubstantiated reports that Russia collected compromising information about him.

First synagogue in 500 years to open in Sicily

At an official ceremony today, the Catholic Archdiocese of Palermo will transfer a chapel to the Jewish community.

Trump must aid persecuted Christians or his presidency will fail, says Open Doors

“Nearly 1 in every 12 Christians in the world today lives in an area or in a culture in which Christianity is illegal, forbidden or punished,” said Open Doors CEO David Curry.

Cardinal Dolan contemplates selling NY chancery in biting letter to priests

Throughout the letter, Dolan laments that his priests either complain about the archdiocese interfering in their parishes' affairs or that his administration is not doing enough to support their particular favored areas of ministry.

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In his own words: President Obama on faith

WASHINGTON (RNS) Quotes from the 44th president about faith over his two terms in the White House.

The Obama presidency: ‘War on religion’ or ‘Amazing Grace’?

In his eight years in the White House, Barack Obama has both inspired and angered people of faith.

Christian groups express ‘grave concerns’ about Trump agenda, appointments

The National Council of Churches and other Christian organizations are criticizing Trump for his plans to dismantle Obamacare and other programs they say protect the vulnerable.

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RFK Jr. wins the anti-science fair

Sen. Robert Kennedy fought for truth. What about his son?

Jeff Sessions got it right on immigrants and the Bible

(RNS) It is ironic that the political and religious left who normally eschew treating Scripture as a source of authority when it comes to matters of public policy have suddenly dusted off their Bibles for the immigration debate.

An eerie echo in ‘Silence’

(RNS) Despite their very different attitudes toward faith, 'Silence' and 'Life of Galileo' offer striking parallels.

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