Catholic Church

Top Catholic bishops criticize Biden for officiating at gay marriage

By David Gibson — August 7, 2016
(RNS) But the three officials were circumspect in their critique and did not mention the vice president by name. Two factors may explain their relative reticence.

Catholic nuns under siege in Syria appeal for help

By Josephine McKenna — August 5, 2016
ROME (RNS) The bombing and the food shortages in Aleppo have reached a critical point, but several Carmelite nuns are refusing to leave.

American on women deacons panel: ‘I feel like I’ve won the Academy Award’

By David Gibson — August 3, 2016
(RNS) Phyllis Zagano, a scholar at Hofstra University, is the only American woman named to the Vatican panel that will study whether women can be ordained as deacons.

Pope Francis video extols sports as path to peace ahead of Olympics

By Josephine McKenna — August 2, 2016
ROME (RNS) 'Sports make it possible to build a culture of encounter among everyone for a world of peace,' the pontiff says as balls are shown smashing through walls.

Pope Francis names panel to study ordaining women deacons

By Josephine McKenna — August 2, 2016
VATICAN CITY (RNS) The move follows through on a pledge he made to a group of nuns in May, and it reignites the heated debate on what roles Catholic women can fill in the church.

Pope Francis condemns slaying of French priest

By Josephine McKenna — July 26, 2016
VATICAN CITY (RNS) The pope expressed his “pain and horror over this absurd violence" as armed men burst into the church in a small town in Normandy and slit the throat of the Rev. Jacques Hamel.

Vatican court sentences monsignor to 18 months in ‘Vatileaks’ case

By David Gibson — July 7, 2016
VATICAN CITY (RNS) A lay woman who was convicted of helping the priest leak documents on the Vatican’s financial problems was given 10 months, but she recently gave birth and the sentence was suspended.

Pope accepts resignation of Brazilian bishop in sex abuse case

By RNS staff — July 6, 2016
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican said Francis had accepted the resignation of Bishop Aldo di Cillo Pagotto of Paraiba, 66, citing a section of church law under which bishops are obliged to tender their resignation if they are ill or if there is "grave cause."

Pope Francis prays with parents of US student killed in Rome

By David Gibson — July 6, 2016
VATICAN CITY (RNS) The pontiff met with the grieving parents of Beau Solomon, 19, who apparently drowned after being pushed into the Tiber River during an early-morning altercation with a homeless man.

Catholic nursing home in Belgium fined for refusing euthanasia request

By David Gibson — July 5, 2016
(RNS) The judges unanimously ruled that “the nursing home had no right to refuse euthanasia on the basis of conscientious objection.”

South African cardinal calls US abortion rate ‘a genocide’ for blacks

By David Gibson — July 5, 2016
(RNS) Cardinal Wilfrid Napier, who rejected calls for the Catholic Church to apologize to gay people, tweeted about the number of abortions in the U.S. and added: “Isn't this something we should be apologizing for?”

In memoirs, ex-Pope Benedict says Vatican ‘gay lobby’ wielded power

By David Gibson — July 1, 2016
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) The book, to be published in September, marks the first time in history that a former pope judges his own pontificate after it is over.

Is Pope Francis a Lone Ranger on apologizing to gays?

By David Gibson — June 30, 2016
(RNS) The pontiff’s comments that the Catholic Church should ask forgiveness for bias against gay people were hailed in headlines. But not so much in the hierarchy. Why?

What Pope Francis can teach US bishops about reaching out to LGBT community

By Yonat Shimron — June 29, 2016
(RNS) An outstretched hand is usually received better than a wagging finger.

The ‘Splainer: What does the pope mean by ‘apologize’?

By Kimberly Winston — June 27, 2016
(RNS) What does it mean that Pope Francis thinks the Catholic Church should apologize to gays and other marginalized groups? Let us 'Splain . . .
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