The Slingshot: Muslims in New York, Jews at Berkeley, Pot in the Bible Belt

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Need to know: Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Muslims love New York, too

As we deal with the arrest of Ahmad Khan Rahami, there is fear of a backlash against people with brown skin, writes Hussein Rashid.

UC Berkeley reinstates a course some call anti-Semitic and anti-Israel

The student-led, one-credit offering looks at Israel through “the lens of settler colonialism.” 

In the Bible Belt’s buckle, an effort to decriminalize marijuana

If it can happen in Nashville, headquarters of the Southern Baptist Convention, couldn’t it happen anywhere? 

Vatican delegate urges Pope Francis to fire Guam archbishop over abuse

A special investigator appointed by Pope Francis looked into allegations that the archbishop abused altar boys.

Obama names last adviser to his final faith-based council

Rami Nashashibi co-founded the Inner-City Muslim Action Network in 1997.

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