Tobin Grant: Corner of Church and State

Why religious freedom trumped national security in latest court case

By Tobin Grant — October 15, 2015
Court rules that a government surveillance program violated the religious rights of Muslims

Survey: Americans SAY gun control is important, but do they mean it?

By Tobin Grant — October 9, 2015
What people tell an interviewer about gun control is different than how they answer a web survey.

Do pro-lifers oppose gun control? Trevor Noah is only half-right

By Tobin Grant — October 8, 2015
Comedy simplifies reality. In this case, it over-simplified it.

Graph: Are Catholics in Congress left, right or center?

By Tobin Grant — September 25, 2015
What do moderates in the Senate have in common? They're Catholic.

How 150,000 people join Catholic Church each year

By Tobin Grant — September 23, 2015
Millions of Americans have joined the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA.

Which Republican is gaining among born-again Christians? The puzzle of small polls

By Tobin Grant — September 22, 2015
Poll numbers should come with warning labels: "Percentages may cause false sense of certainty"

Why Ben Carson believes in his mother

By Tobin Grant — September 17, 2015
The CNN debate was another opportunity for Ben Carson to praise his mom. Listen to his 2005 NPR "This I Believe" essay to understand why.

Iowa poll: Born-again Republicans less angry, less distrustful than Tea Party

By Tobin Grant — September 16, 2015
The Tea Party and the born-again base of the GOP are a lot alike. But they're not the same.

How Congressional votes on Iran Deal looked to statisticians

By Tobin Grant — September 14, 2015
Votes on the Iran Deal weren't that different from the hundreds of others Congress took this year.

College freshmen don’t remember 9-11

By Tobin Grant — September 11, 2015
How can they remember something that happened when they were four years old?

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis isn’t being held to a double-standard

By Tobin Grant — September 3, 2015
Public officials must defy laws that are unconstitutional. But it's the courts that decide what is or is not constitutional.

‘Antidisestablishmentarianism’ isn’t in the dictionary. Let’s change that!

By Tobin Grant — September 2, 2015
It's a long word that we could use more often in debates over church & state.

Why Muslims in Europe back Christianity in public schools

By Tobin Grant — September 1, 2015
For European migrants it's about equality.

How many immigrants are in your church? Ranking American religions

By Tobin Grant — August 28, 2015
America is a nation of immigrants that, ironically, often fears immigrants. But it’s not just any immigrants–it’s the “wrong” immigrants. Historically, our immigration policies have been based on racism and religious bias.  European Protestants were welcome; Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and others were suspect. One result is diversity within American religion. Some religions have many immigrants. Most churches do not, with […]

5 reasons we should never tax churches, even if John Oliver is right (COMMENTARY)

By Tobin Grant — August 26, 2015
If you want to help out TV evangelists, then start taxing religion.
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