The Slingshot: Chaldeans and evangelicals; Christianity in Britain; Father and son

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Need to know: Friday, June 16, 2017

Chaldeans in US: Why aren’t more Christians speaking out against deportations to Iraq?

They’re frustrated by evangelicals who have expressed outrage over the persecution of Christians in the Middle East but who have been silent about the Chaldeans who face deportation.

British Christians wonder if there is room for them in politics

After Tim Farron, leader of the Liberal Democrats, resigned over his religious beliefs, Christians in Britain wonder if the public square has become too hostile for people of faith.

Fugitive polygamous sect leader arrested in South Dakota

After being on the run for almost a year, Lyle Jeffs, of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was captured in South Dakota on Wednesday.

Catholic groups launch conversation about female deacons

If the pope endorses women deacons, more education and dialogue will be needed within the church. Three groups are eager to get started.

New study: Islamophobia common in Catholic media

A report published by the Bridge Initiative says some anti-Muslim voices — and especially Robert Spencer’s — have dominated significant portions of American Catholic media, including a number of mainstream Catholic outlets.

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