Martin Luther

Catholics and Lutherans to worship together at Reformation anniversary

By Tom Heneghan — January 13, 2016
PARIS (RNS) The new guidelines suggest ecumenical services have two presiders, one Catholic and one Lutheran, and several prayer readers of both faiths.

Vatican backs plan to name Rome square for Martin Luther

By Rosie Scammell — August 26, 2015
ROME (RNS) The German priest and theologian was a key figure in the Protestant Reformation; he was excommunicated in 1521.

Does purgatory have a prayer with Protestants?

By David Gibson — October 29, 2014
(RNS) A reworked version of purgatory is something that has intrigued some Protestants, and it seems to have won over more than a few.

Thrivent Financial is no longer for Lutherans only

By David Yonke — March 28, 2014
(RNS) The company chose to use the Apostles' Creed -- a statement of Christian belief dating back to the 4th century -- as the determining factor in whether a person is eligible to join Thrivent.

Pope Francis uses smartphone video to urge Christian unity

By Eric J. Lyman — February 20, 2014
ROME (RNS) Pope Francis said it doesn't matter who's to blame for divisions among Christians: "Who is at fault? All of us are. We are all sinners. There is only one who is right, and that is our Lord."

Report: Americans hold different views of what “religious” means

By Lauren Markoe — July 18, 2013
(RNS) There is a lopsided divide in America about what it means to be a religious person, with a majority believing that it's about acting morally but a strong minority equating it with faith.

Lutherans and Catholics bury the hatchet for Reformation’s 500th

By Alessandro Speciale — June 18, 2013
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Catholics and Lutherans are re-examining the Protestant Reformation, saying Martin Luther “had no intention of establishing a new church, but was part of a broad and many-faceted desire for reform” within the church.

Lutherans warn Vatican against simpler conversions

By Alessandro Speciale — January 23, 2013
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Lutheran leaders have warned the Vatican that the creation of a structure to welcome conservative Lutherans into the Catholic Church would harm dialogue and damage ecumenical relations.

Searching for the real Martin Luther

By David Steinmetz — October 17, 2012

(RNS) Finding and portraying the "real" Martin Luther on film has not been a task for the faint of heart. Yet wherever Protestants (and Catholics) gather and wherever the political history of Europe is told, the ghost of Martin Luther is present and cannot be avoided. By David Steinmetz.

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