
My child with Down syndrome is not a political statement — and neither is Amy Coney Barrett’s

By Amy Julia Becker — October 26, 2020
(RNS) — We stay mired in our polarized political corners if we view women’s choices primarily as political statements when they in fact reflect ethical decisions made in the context of social forces.

Theologians, activists, former bishops staff urge Catholic voters to oppose Trump

By Jack Jenkins — September 9, 2020
(RNS) — The letter comes as the two presidential campaigns rapidly escalate their fight for Catholic voters ahead of the November election.

How will Joe Biden deal with the abortion question?

By Mark Silk — September 4, 2020
(RNS) — For the duration of the Democratic primary season, the abortion issue was off the table. Now that the general election is here, there's something to talk about.

Why evangelicals will support Donald Trump in 2020

By Johnnie Moore — August 26, 2020
(RNS) — President Donald Trump's commitment to pro-life policies, religious freedom and appointing conservative judges will keep evangelicals and other conservative Christians in his corner.

President Trump kept his promises. That’s why, as a Catholic, I want four more years

By Teresa S. Collett — August 24, 2020
(RNS) — As a Catholic who embraces the Church’s teaching on the innate value of every human life, the primacy of faith, the dignity of work, the importance of public order and the need for mercy to temper justice, I am very comfortable supporting the reelection of our president.

Catholic bishops reprimand Trump as often as they praise him

By Thomas Reese — August 4, 2020
(RNS) — The country's bishops take social justice issues more seriously than the president does, a fact that's often overshadowed in the media by attacks on Biden for his positions on abortion.

We need more people with disabilities to get the chance Tafida Raqeeb has

By Charles C. Camosy — June 29, 2020
(RNS) — In a culture that values autonomy, faith traditions must speak up for the most vulnerable members of the human family who cannot do so in their own defense.

We reversed Trump’s immigration policy once. We’re back to fight ‘Remain in Mexico.’

By Marlena Graves — June 23, 2020
(RNS) — We are relaunching our campaign for those suffering from the United States’ ‘remain in Mexico’ policy, which effectively allows the Trump administration to wash its hands of asylum-seekers while claiming to be pro-life.

‘AKA Jane Roe’ and the humiliation of the pro-life movement

By Karen Swallow Prior — May 26, 2020
(RNS) — The FX documentary about the Roe v. Wade case is another humiliation of pro-lifers in the media. But humility is what it takes to be truly in favor of the protection of the unborn child.

Do we do everything in our power to lower the COVID-19 infection rate?

By Charles C. Camosy — April 20, 2020
(RNS) — The medical ethics of this crisis are different, in that choosing a higher possibility of exposure to COVID-19 puts others at higher risk as well.

Ted Cruz takes Alyssa Milano to Bible study — with an NRA edition of the Bible

By Shane Claiborne — September 5, 2019
(RNS) — As the Texas senator and the actress-activist face off on Twitter over whether the right to own a gun is found in Scripture, columnist Shane Claiborne points out that Cruz's interpretation lacks one thing: Jesus.

Paid family leave is a pro-life issue that can unite Republicans and Democrats

By Charles C. Camosy — August 14, 2019
(RNS) — Besides giving women hope of affording an unintended child, paid family leave is 'associated with drops in perinatal, neonatal, post-neonatal, infant, and child mortality.' Hard to get more pro-life than that.

To save our politics, we need new ways to think and speak about abortion

By Charles C. Camosy — May 31, 2019
(RNS) — When it comes to talking about abortion, restricting people to a simplistic 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice' identity creates the mother of all antagonistic binaries.

It’s unfair to say Christians’ pro-life stance ends at birth

By Trillia Newbell — May 21, 2019
(RNS) — God is always working in ways we don’t often see. Evidently, so are his people.

Pro-life laws are needed — but they are not enough

By Micah Fries — May 20, 2019
(RNS) —  No matter where you stand on the spectrum, we all agree that our country has a problem, a problem where children are unwanted and simply don’t have the provisions necessary to live a long, healthy and happy life. This should be unacceptable in a civilized society.
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