Republican Party

Will the Catholic Church self-destruct or bridge the partisan divide?

By Thomas Reese — July 31, 2019
(RNS) — American Catholics are almost evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats, which means the church can either self-destruct or bridge the partisan divide.

Traditional Christians provoke debate within a new conservative coalition

By Charles C. Camosy — June 10, 2019
(RNS) — Despite a public space rigged against their version of the good, traditional Christians do manage to convince people with very different views of the truth of their claims.

Can the religious right and left be more than a rubber stamp for their parties’ policies?

By Jacob Lupfer — May 23, 2019
(RNS) — Republicans and Democrats say they listen more than ever to the religious wings of their parties, but in truth both religious camps are more likely to follow than lead.

Can a Catholic critique of ‘throwaway culture’ pull politics from the brink?

By Charles C. Camosy — May 15, 2019
(RNS) — The church’s Consistent Life Ethic, rightly understood, could challenge our impoverished and incoherent political imagination and let a new generation begin the hard work of laying out the foundational principles for what comes next.

Abortion Survivors Protection Act vote shows how both parties are unserious

By Charles C. Camosy — February 26, 2019
(RNS) — The GOP’s Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act was defeated in the Senate 53-44 — precisely the result the Republicans were looking for, and precisely the problem with our politics.

Texas GOP leader who is Muslim declares victory over bigotry

By Bobby Ross Jr. — January 11, 2019
(RNS) — The vote ends a bid to unseat a Tarrant County GOP vice chair by those who consider any follower of Islam as a soldier in a 'stealth jihad.'

What will be news for the Jews in 2019?

By Jeffrey Salkin — January 2, 2019
Anti-semitism, anti-Israel agitation, women in leadership, intermarriage.... I look into my crystal ball.

Texas GOP dispute pits religious freedom against claims of ‘stealth jihad’

By Bobby Ross Jr. — December 11, 2018
FORT WORTH, Texas (RNS) — The appointment of a Muslim doctor to a county's party leadership has fractured the Republicans of Tarrant County.

What binds Muslims to the Democratic Party?

By Paul O'Donnell — August 9, 2018
(RNS) — Socially conservative Muslims have a surprising and seemingly easy affiliation with the Democratic Party. Why do Muslims abide these differences when other religious groups cannot?

Seeking unity, J.D. Greear assumes Southern Baptist presidency

By Adelle M. Banks — July 16, 2018
(RNS) — The first Generation X president of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination said he wants to focus more on what all Southern Baptists embrace than what divides them.

Cardinal Dolan makes good points but ignores politics of abortion

By Thomas Reese — June 14, 2018
(RNS) — While Cardinal Dolan and I agree that the bishops are consistently pro-life, other groups, including many Republican politicians, are only pro-life when it comes to restricting abortion, not when it comes to government programs to help women.

4 reasons Republicans should be hella worried, and not just because of the midterms

By Jana Riess — April 11, 2018
(RNS) — Republicans still appeal to older white Christian voters who have less than a college education, says a new Pew study. The problem for the GOP is that these voters are fast becoming thin on the ground.

Father Roy Moore would be suspended

By Thomas Reese — December 7, 2017
(RNS) — The Republican Party has not learned from the mistakes of the Catholic bishops in dealing with sexual abuse. They are operating out of the same playbook as the bishops did before they wised up and changed their policies.

Giving tax reform a bad name

By Thomas Reese — December 5, 2017
(RNS) — Once again, an opportunity for true tax reform has been missed. Rather than reform, Congress is moving the tax system in the wrong direction.

The religious left is going to miss Steve Bannon

By Thomas Reese — August 25, 2017
WASHINGTON (RNS) What they forget is that on some issues, Bannon and they were in agreement.
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