The Slingshot: The Muslim vote. The Temple Mount. The new Jesuit leader.

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Need to know: Friday, October 14, 2016

Michelle Obama denounces Donald Trump’s rhetoric: ‘It has shaken me to my core’

Michelle Obama delivered a devastating rebuke to Donald Trump, calling his comments “cruel”, “frightening” and beyond the “basic standards of human decency.”

Hillary Clinton wins projected Muslim vote by landslide in CAIR survey

While 72 percent of Muslim Americans polled said they planned to vote for Clinton, only 4 percent said they would vote for Trump.

UN agency ignores Jewish ties to Temple Mount

A UNESCO resolution notes Jerusalem’s importance to the three Abrahamic faiths, but disregards Jews’ religious connections to the Temple Mount.

Israeli president hosts quiet meeting of Muslim and Jewish leaders

The highly unusual meeting was intended to forge a joint effort against religious violence and to promote peace and coexistence.

Jesuits elect first Latin-American leader

A Venezuelan priest, the Rev. Arturo Sosa’s past curiously parallels that of Francis, the first Jesuit pope.

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Why these Liberty students aren’t supporting Trump — or Falwell’s endorsement

(RNS) A group of students calling themselves 'Liberty United Against Trump' published a statement online saying they are disappointed in Falwell's endorsement of Trump and tired of being associated with the candidate.

Pope urges protection of ‘invisible and voiceless’ child migrants

VATICAN CITY (RNS) In a strongly worded statement, Francis says immigration is 'growing into a tragic situation of global proportions' and children are being exploited by the 'unscrupulous' as they flee violence and poverty.

Boko Haram frees 21 kidnapped Chibok girls

The girls were among the 270 taken in 2014 by Boko Haram, which has pledged allegiance to the so-called Islamic State.

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Much ado about Mormon leadership

The secularist, anti-communal, anti-organizational impulses that mark Millennials and other younger Americans increasingly are also more characteristic than before of the Mormon, soon to be ex-Mormon young.

Bob Dylan’s lyrics get the recognition they deserve

Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize is good for the Jews. Here is why.

What I wrote was completely truthful

(RNS) The details of a continuing pattern of sexual sin and sexual assaults against women went beyond what I knew about Trump's vague boasting about past adultery.

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