Jesus Christ

Who are ‘the least of these’? Scholars say Mother Teresa and others may be wrong

By Jonathan Merritt — May 22, 2015
The common understanding of Jesus’ famous phrase may be inaccurate and inconsistent with the way most Christians throughout history have understood it.

Meet the gay celibate Catholic who’s shaking up the sexuality debates

By Jonathan Merritt — May 6, 2015
Eve Tushnet is a popular blogger and author of "Gay and Christian." But is she missing something about the uniqueness and importance of erotic intimacy?

Are Christians dead wrong about the execution of Jesus Christ?

By Jonathan Merritt — April 29, 2015
"Jesus did not teach that God’s wrath burns against us but that God loves us," says theologian Tony Jones. He argues that the traditional Christian view of atonement was largely a medieval invention.

Latino evangelicals call for end to death penalty. Will others follow?

By Jonathan Merritt — March 27, 2015
The National Latino Evangelical Coalition urged their 3,000 member congregations to end capital punishment. They are the first major evangelical association to take this position publicly, but support for the death penalty among Christians is waning.

What Jesus’ encounters with women teach us about God, life, and gender

By Jonathan Merritt — March 24, 2015
"Jesus absolutely treated women differently than the prevailing religious authorities of his time," author Mary Demuth says.

Why a Muslim actor plays Jesus in Bill O’Reilly’s ‘Killing Jesus’ TV special

By Jonathan Merritt — March 23, 2015
Ridley Scott said he couldn't make a film starring "Mohammad so-and-so from such-and-such." But when his adaptation of "Killing Jesus" debuts this week, a Lebanese-born Muslim will star as Jesus.

Theologian: Religious extremists like ISIS carve a bloody path through history

By Jonathan Merritt — February 17, 2015
"America was founded by folks who thought like this," a prominent Yale professor says of Islamist extremists. Some may find his comments difficult to swallow in light of recent events.

Theologian says Jesus was a ‘trickster’–but it’s not as offensive as you think

By Jonathan Merritt — January 28, 2015
"In Jesus, we see a trickster figure, one who respects the beliefs and traditions of real people, yet also questions them, challenges them and subverts them for the sake of political and religious transformation," says post-modern theologian Peter Rollins.

Life’s busy, but mealtimes are still sacred

By Jonathan Merritt — January 22, 2015
"The table is not just a place for food," says Leonard Sweet, "but a place for stories and ideas to mingle, interact, attract each other, argue with one another, and procreate."

Seeing the Gospels through a Jewish lens: An interview with Amy-Jill Levine

By Jonathan Merritt — January 2, 2015
A historian at Vanderbilt University says modern Christians may be missing the point of some of Jesus' most popular parables.

Billy Graham’s grandson warns against New Year’s resolutions

By Jonathan Merritt — January 1, 2015
Never shying away from controversy, Tullian Tchividjian is picking another fight--this time, with New Years resolutions. He says the practice of setting them can be spiritually damaging.

Countdown to Santa: How to keep Christ in Christmas tomorrow

By Jonathan Merritt — December 24, 2014
Author Amy Julia-Becker gives three surprising ways to honor Christmas' religious roots. Hint: It won't require swearing off gift giving.

Prominent pastor: “The Spirit inside of you is better than Jesus beside you”

By Jonathan Merritt — December 17, 2014
Mega-church pastor J.D. Greear has been quietly amassing influence among conservative evangelicals. Now, he's making waves with a new book about the Holy Spirit.

How (not) to respond to grieving friends: An interview with Sara Hagerty

By Jonathan Merritt — December 12, 2014
The popular author shares valuable lessons she learned from years of wrestling with marital difficulties, financial pressure, and a brutal battle with infertility.

Have evangelicals diluted Jesus’ radical message?

By Jonathan Merritt — September 11, 2014
A popular Christian blogger says evangelicals have created a domesticated, American Jesus. But is he just making the same old liberal arguments we've heard for decade.
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