David Gibson: Sacred and Profane

St. Thomas Aquinas would not have fired the pregnant Catholic teacher

By David Gibson — February 6, 2014
A Montana Catholic school is saying it had to fire Shaela Evenson when she got pregnant -- her contract has a morals clause. But a leading Catholic law and theology professor says not so fast.

Why “Shermaning” beats “Tebowing”

By David Gibson — January 20, 2014
The Seattle Seahawks in-your-face cornerback is arguably more honest about the game than all the on-your-knees end zone piety.

Torching liberal Catholic straw men (and a woman)

By David Gibson — January 15, 2014
Are liberal Catholics just "indifferent" to doctrine and the teachings of the faith? No, they just see the faith as more than a rule book -- sort of like Pope Francis.

Cardinal (not Karl) Marx rips capitalism, backs Pope Francis

By David Gibson — January 10, 2014
"Capitalism should not become the model of society," says Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich, one of Francis' top advisers. “To think that somewhere there are pure markets which give rise to the good through free competition is mere ideology."

Pope Francis’ candidates for new cardinals — and two graphics

By David Gibson — January 10, 2014
(RNS) Here is the most complete list yet of the archbishops that Pope Francis may name as his first new cardinals, along with two graphics showing where in the world they could -- and maybe should -- come from.

Pope Francis to pick new cardinals and begin reshaping the hierarchy

By David Gibson — January 6, 2014
(RNS) Any day now, Pope Francis is expected to make his first appointments to the College of Cardinals, the select group of about 120 scarlet-clad senior churchmen whose main duty is to advise the pope while he reigns – and gather in the Sistine Chapel when he dies or resigns to name his successor. Will one of the 14 or so picks be the next pope?

Pope Francis backs public breastfeeding! And that makes him traditional…

By David Gibson — December 17, 2013
The pontiff's most "radical" suggestion in a recent interview -- that a nursing mother should breastfeed her baby even in front of the pope -- may be fodder for La Leche League types. But he is invoking an ancient devotion while endorsing a pragmatic work of mercy.

Catholic University of America blasts Koch critics in response to protest

By David Gibson — December 16, 2013
In an unusually sharp retort, Catholic University of America has issued a statement ripping the 50 priests, theologians and academics who published a letter protesting  $1 million gift that CUA accepted from Charles Koch, who with his brother is a leader in funding libertarian policies that seem to directly contradict church teaching. My story today […]

In Rome, an American rises and another American fades

By David Gibson — December 16, 2013
Pope Francis shook up the Roman Curia's Congregation for Bishops, adding Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington and dropping Cardinal Raymond Burke, a much more conservative American who has been working in Rome since 2008. Those and other moves could portend a new style of bishop in the future.

Fox News columnist rips Pope Francis, loses Catholic News Service gig

By David Gibson — December 6, 2013
Adam Shaw wrote movie and video game reviews for CNS, which operates under the aegis of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Not any more.

Want to buy JFK’s Rosary beads?

By David Gibson — October 11, 2013
They're coming up for auction just ahead of the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination. So is this ghoulish? Or simply buying a first-class relic?

Pope calls despairing single pregnant mom, offers to baptize her child

By David Gibson — September 6, 2013
The "cold-call pope," as Francis, has been dubbed, was at it again, phoning a Roman woman who wrote to him in despair. He said he would baptize her infant if she couldn't find a willing priest; she said she'll call the child "Francis" if it's a boy. Francis has already surprised his cobbler with a phone call and counseled a worried Italian teen and an Argentine rape victim.

Will the Catholic Right target Archbishop Chaput as ‘gay-friendly’?

By David Gibson — August 23, 2013
The Philadelphia archdiocese is accepting donated school supplies for Catholic students from Office Depot, one of the most gay-friendly businesses in the U.S. Will that open Chaput up to the same kind of criticism that other Catholic groups have endured?

Matthew Fox (hearts) Pope Francis — but is hoping for more

By David Gibson — July 11, 2013
The onetime Dominican theologian who was booted from the church -- by the man who would become Pope Benedict XVI -- says Francis represents a chance for real change in the church. But in a new book he also challenges the new pontiff to act on his better instincts. Not that Fox will be rejoining Rome anytime soon, as he says in this Q&A...

Star-Spangled Virgin: Blessed or Blasphemous?

By David Gibson — July 3, 2013
The Catholic bishops' "Fortnight for Freedom" campaign is one thing. But this "Ricky Bobby" version of the BVM? Talk about mixing church and state...
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