RNS Morning Report: What’s on Pastors’ Minds?; Sikh Organ Donation; Brain Injury Debate

Image by S. Hermann and F. Richter/Pixabay/Creative Commons

Need to know: Tuesday, February 11, 2020

What’s on pastors’ minds? It’s not religious liberty

Barna Group is preparing to release its State of the Church data for the first time in a decade in what it calls the most in-depth and comprehensive study in its history.

Fighting taboos, British Sikhs work to demystify organ donation

Recent initiatives are challenging ideas about death and organ donation among Sikh and other South Asian communities in the UK.

Mormon $100B fortune offers opportunity to do more good

Secret fortunes. Guarded treasure. Is this what we want our religion to be known for, writes Jana Riess.

Making an idol of brain-injured patients

A failure to appreciate the historical context of the ‘sanctity of life’ has led some to distort its meaning, write John J. Paris and Kevin Wildes.

The evolution of Trump’s Muslim ban

While most eyes were on impeachment and Iowa, President Trump recently extended restrictions to six additional countries — widening the ban and ignoring the massive outcry it has created.

Houses Of Worship Struggle To Balance Security And Belief In Wake Of Violence

Attacks on houses of worship in recent years have left congregations grappling with how to respond. Some have hired armed guards or trained members to carry weapons, but others have resisted the idea of allowing guns inside houses of worship.



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