freethought (atheist)

Beyond #WhiteHouseIftar: 6 points towards a principled action of solidarity

By Omid Safi — July 26, 2013
Here are six concrete points and strategies to help us continue a principled and constructive conversation about #whitehouseiftars. In the last thirty years, we as Muslims have had intense conversations about our multiple and overlapping identities as Americans and as Muslims. What kind of America we want to belong to? An America that is an Empire, or a land of liberty and rights? If it is the latter, words will not suffice. We need to be participants in making that a reality.

On the Ground at Gezi Park and Taksim Demonstrations

By Omid Safi — June 8, 2013
This is not simply Islamists vs. Secularists. It is tempting to see this as a struggle of Islamicly leaning AKP against secularists. And that would be a mistake. A strong leader, Erdogan, is facing a substantial percentage of his own society who right now do not feel represented, included, seen, heard, and accounted for. It's a great opportunity for Turkey to become an even more vibrant democracy.

Canadians turning away from organized religion

By Ron Csillag — May 15, 2013
TORONTO (RNS) A new national study shows that while Canada is still overwhelmingly Christian, Canadians are turning their backs on organized religion in ever greater numbers.

More than reggae: Honoring Marley, a prophetic voice of protest

By Omid Safi — May 11, 2013
Reggae is at its most revolutionary force when it is prophetic, emancipatory, raw, justice-oriented, anti-colonial, imbued with love and life-affirming. And very much like Hip-Hop in this case, what a tragedy to see such powerful prophetic medium commercialized to enable awful, awful drunken dancing. Happy Redemption, O Holy Bob.

God of Thunder, God of Rain

By Omid Safi — May 8, 2013
As I look back on my own life, I see a few periods of dark storms, even thunder and lightning. There were periods where the storms of life came, events that shattered me, or at least shattered my sense of who I was. At the time they seemed to last forever, and it was hard to tell the difference between myself and the suffering. Then they were gone. Those pains were always followed by merciful rain.

5 dumbest things said about the Boston Marathon Explosions: Fox News, (some) Republicans

By Omid Safi — April 27, 2013
The purpose is not (merely) to expose and ridicule—ok, maybe there is a touch of that—but rather to shine the light on areas of shortcoming that we, all of us, will have to deal with if we are to get to a more beautiful place than we are right now.

10 Essential points about the Boston Marathon bombers, Islam, and America

By Omid Safi — April 20, 2013
It’s not about Islam, or Chechnya. It’s about America. What happens now matters. How we as a nation move forward is critical. Do we turn our attention where it belongs, on comforting and healing the victims of Monday’s attacks, or do we turn into an angry mob accusing all Muslims of a crime that two men committed?

First response to Boston Explosion

By Omid Safi — April 15, 2013
On days like this, many feel like giving up on humanity. It is a natural urge, but do not. Don’t. Some are using this story to perpetuate hatred against this ethnic group or that religious group. Some are urging us to pray to the One for all of us. Where do we stand?

Tiger Woods, and the unspoken legacy at the Masters

By Omid Safi — April 13, 2013
While we are discussing these "scandals" related to Tiger Woods' penalty, let’s not forget to talk about the Master Tournament host’s vicious history of sexism and racism.

To set out on the spiritual path, you have to be ugly

By Omid Safi — March 31, 2013
If we were already perfect and beautiful, there would be no need to set out on a path.

Between Good Friday and Easter: A Muslim Meditation on Christ and Resurrection

By Omid Safi — March 30, 2013
When I reflect on the suffering of Christ, I see the connection between the suffering of Christ and the suffering of all of God’s children, all of us who are vessels of the Spirit of God. 
I seek the Easter of our own spirit, the resurrection of our spirit, long dead, brought back to God through God’s grace. May there be an Easter for the Jesus of our spirit, overcoming every death, every suffering and every affliction.

Shi’i Islam: Origin and Foundational Teachings of Shi’ism

By Omid Safi — March 29, 2013
I am making available my two-part lecture plus a slideshow with lots of images to help explain the origin and foundations of Shi’i Islam.

‘Ask an Atheist’ event replaces participation in St. Patrick’s Day parade

By Sally Morrow — March 18, 2013
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (RNS) Among the constant flow of people wearing green, toting beers and milling around the bars in Kansas City’s Westport neighborhood on Sunday (March 17), a man in a red plaid kilt held a sign that said, “Kiss me – I’m a Left-handed, Red-headed, Kilt-wearing Irish Atheist Stepchild!” The Kansas City Atheist […]

A celebration of the International Women’s Day

By Omid Safi — March 8, 2013
Our suffering is connected together because our dignity is connected together, because our spirits are already intertwined.

Facebook Rumi: How a Muslim mystic became a popular meme

By Omid Safi — March 2, 2013
These memes and Facebook sayings are transforming a 13th century Muslim mystic into the perfect New Age mystic.
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