
Why Obamacare’s contraception mandate hurts minority religions (COMMENTARY)

By Frank Pavone — February 19, 2016
(RNS) If the government is allowed to determine the veracity of religious doctrines familiar to most everyone, what will happen to Americans whose beliefs are less known or understood?

No, St. Francis didn’t say that. (Or Thomas Merton. Or Buddha. Or C.S. Lewis.) Where do we get these fake religion memes?

By Jana Riess — February 11, 2016
The "Prayer of St. Francis" was not written by St. Francis, and many other great religious quotes can't be traced to the famous people whose names are memed with them.

Sikh actor demands Mexican airline change staff behavior

By Aysha Khan — February 9, 2016
(RNS) Waris Ahluwalia was boarding a flight to New York City when he was told to publicly remove his turban for a security screening -- even though he had not triggered a metal detector.

American mosques trying to protect bodies and spirits from hate

By Lauren Markoe — December 15, 2015
(RNS) More security cameras and more security guards can make Muslims feel safer. But so does the reassurance that most Americans support them.

US Army should let Sikhs serve, turban and all (COMMENTARY)

By William Francis Ward Jr. — November 11, 2015
(RNS) In the U.S., being forced to choose between one’s faith and service to our country is a choice that no American should have to make.

Overlapping holidays of Diwali and Bandi Chhor Divas let Hindus and Sikhs learn about each other

By Sue Menon — November 9, 2015
(RNS) More than a billion people around the globe -- nearly a fifth of the world’s population -- are preparing to celebrate the festivals of Diwali and Bandi Chhor Divas.

Bike lanes * Saint Barbie * So long: October’s Religious Freedom Recap

By Brian Pellot — November 2, 2015
Churches attack bike lanes for "burdening" their religious freedom as Saint Barbie leads a plastic revolution in Argentina. Savor every word of this last ever recap as I say “so long” to On Freedom.

How Pope Francis made me better appreciate my Sikh faith (COMMENTARY)

By Satpal Singh — September 26, 2015
(RNS) Pope Francis embodies the Sikh concept of servant-leadership, which suggests that the best leaders are those who are constantly looking to serve those around them.

Pope Francis picks Ground Zero for interfaith healing

By Lauren Markoe — September 23, 2015
(RNS) Catholics aren't the only ones who admire and respect Pope Francis -- so do Muslims, Jews, Sikhs and others. "This pope is our pope," one imam said.

East-West Travelblog: Who owns the word ‘Allah’?

By Kimberly Winston — September 8, 2015
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (RNS) See this book? It was in my hotel room here in Malaysia. It’s in hotel rooms around the world. But here, this book is banned if it is written in Malay, the official language of the country’s 30 million people.

Interfaith leaders find common ground promoting Internet freedom

By Brian Pellot — August 12, 2015
(RNS) Interfaith leaders are spearheading a new fight for net neutrality -- once the realm of tech wonks and digital rights activists -- and framing a free and open Internet as essential for religious freedom, social justice and interfaith cooperation.

By the numbers: India’s LGBT community in legal limbo

By Syed Nazakat — July 14, 2015
NEW DELHI (RNS) Despite growing momentum for equal rights across India, openly LGBT people face fear of prosecution.

What Mormons mean by “religious freedom”

By Jana Riess — July 8, 2015
Throwing around language about religious freedom means Mormons had better be prepared to cast a much, much wider net than protecting one minority religion (which, surprise, is ours!) on one issue in one nation.

Beards big winner in year-old Hobby Lobby case (COMMENTARY)

By Lori Windham — July 2, 2015
A year later, who was the big winner in the Supreme Court's landmark decision in the Hobby Lobby case? Beards. Yes, beards.

Court upholds Sikh’s right to facial hair, turban in ROTC

By Kimberly Winston — June 15, 2015
(RNS) A federal judge has ruled a Sikh college student must be allowed to join a college Army group and keep his long hair, turban and beard -- part of his "religious uniform."
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